Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Culture Shock in Bluffton Football

Bluffton football is a unique program with different players from big cities coming to the small town. Players come from all different states like Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Nebraska, Florida, and Georgia all coming together to make one team.

The thing that is hard for a lot of players coming from the big cities is they suffer culture shock. Culture shock is the player having trouble adapting to the new type of environment they are in a lot of players cannot make the switch from their big cities.

One former player on the Bluffton Football team running back David Lane he is from big city Dayton Ohio, and said “I have to go back home it is too boring for me and nothing to do I am not use to doing this I need to go back home and have fun.” The transition for this player was hard transitioning to the small Mennonite community of Bluffton.

Another player former defensive back Jordan Jones suffered from culture shock too making the transition to Bluffton. Jordan Jones came from Freemont Ohio he said “I cannot handle this small environment this just is not for me I am transferring to a different college”.

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